Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Starting to read BFG - Making predictions

What do you think BFG is about?  Make your predictions on this blog and we will see how accurate your predictions are when we complete the book.

BFG - One School, One Book

Hedge School is participating in the One School, One Book program again this year!  We are reading BFG by Roald Dahl.  I am very excited to have everyone participate.  Over the next few weeks, I will post questions that you can respond on this blog.  See if you can add to the discussion.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hedge Kids Vote

Did you come to Hedge School to vote on Election Day?  The Hedge School fifth graders tried to encourage as many people as possible to vote by standing in front of Hedge School with signs.  In class, students learned about the value and importance of voting!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

International Walk to School Day

There were 51% of the students who walked or rode their bikes to school today!  The participation was great despite the weather.  It was the true idea of a walking school bus - students and parents were waiting at corners and joined the walkers as they walked down the street. 

In addition, there was less traffic in front of the school at arrival and WALKING IS HEALTHY FOR YOU!  Let's see if we can keep our walking and bike riding percentage high!

School Council

I would like to thank everyone who put in their name for the School Council!

Our School Council members are :
Rosina Hoey (teacher)
Karen Cotti (teacher)
Christina Brown (parent)
Sharon Loud (parent)
Erin Roberts (parent)
Thomas Hovey (parent)
Adam Blaisdell (Principal)

Our first meeting is October 4th at 6 PM.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Picture Day is today!  Don't forget to bring in your picture envelopes.

International Walk to School Day

International Walk to School Day is October 3rd!

Join Mr. Blaisdell and Mrs. Metcalfe as they walk to school.  They will be walking down North Spooner Street and Standish Avenue.  Join them as they walk by your road or your house!  How many students will walk to school tomorrow?

Accident on the Hedge School front lawn

On Monday, October 1st, there was an accident at the corner of Standish Avenue and Cherry Street.  All students were safe throughout the accident.  A letter was send home with all students on Monday informing parents of the accident.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Open House / Annual Title One Meeting

Tonight is open house from 6:30 until 7:45.  Students are welcome to bring their families to Hedge School this evening and introduce them to their teachers and show their families Hedge School.  Do not forget to check out the cafeteria, library, gym and computer lab.

The Title One Annual Meeting will start at 6 PM.  Come learn about how the students of Hedge School benefit from Title One. 

The PTA is holding their annual bake sale.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Improvements to Hedge School


Tuesday, September 4th is the first day of school for grades 1 through 5.  Students should not arrive before 8:35 am and students are let into school at 8:50 am.   On the first day of school, we will gather as a school for the Pledge of Allegiance and morning announcements.  After opening exercises parents will be able to escort their child to their classroom, then come to the gym for a short meeting and question and answer period.  I hope you are able to join us on the first day of school.  Friday, September 7th is the first day of school for all kindergarten students.  I will meet with all kindergarten parents after they escort their child to the classroom. 

I hope you have a great last day of summer vacation and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday or Friday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back to School Newsletter

The August newsletter has been posted on the Hedge School website.  See the front page of the website at the bottom.  There is information regarding volunteering, new staff, repairs made to the building, upcoming dates, the new food policy, and more.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2012 - 2013 Teacher Assignments

Are you wondering who you will have as a teacher this year?  Classroom assignments will be sent home on Tuesday or Wednesday, August 20th or 21st.  Be sure to check your mailboxes!

School begins on September 4th for grades 1 - 5.